
Saturday, March 03, 2001.

shhhh.  this too shall pass...


Thursday, March 01, 2001.

Dear NIKE iD,
Thank you for the time and energy you have spent on my request. I have decided to order the shoes with a different iD, but I would like to make one small request. Could you please send me a color snapshot of the ten-year-old Vietnamese girl who makes my shoes?
Jonah Peretti
...from a series of e-mails reprinted in In These Times regarding Nike iD's rejection of the word 'sweatshop' as a personalization for Jonah's shoes. Read the whole series.

Nom: Roxane i think she is beautiful, (and I think the bike is cool too).

ahh, summer glow...

i quote me.
I discovered that while waiting for dawn to come, despair can be quite severe, and the relief which came with the first light and the first birdsongs was stunningly transformative. My life's perspective traversed instantly the vast gulf between despair and hope, all for the arrival of a little light. Suddenly I was...
see the rest here.


Wednesday, February 28, 2001.

..on that same disgusting vein, from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
At the University of Washington, athletes often play in feces because workers cannot clean it up fast enough, said Charles Easterberg, an environmental health instructor


just thought you should know, from Animal's Health -Coprophagy

e) Feces can be tasteful to the dog.


Tuesday, February 27, 2001.

the previous 'some people' are, namely, me.  i thought there might be some confusion... 

also, there's a new post at my journal.


Monday, February 26, 2001.

some people are so negative...  they never get it!  you can even tell them straight to their face, and they gloss it over like you didn't speak, and they just continue unimpeded on their whiney-ass, self-pitying way.  get over it, will ya?  jesus, get a life! 

doing nothing. 



Sunday, February 25, 2001.

jeez, a couple hours ago, when i couldn't, i was anxious to post stuff-- i don't know exactly what i wanted to post, but i was anxious to.  blogger's been back up for hours, and i'm barely able to scrounge-up a post before midnight. 

i wish everything was different...  i don't know how, exactly.  just not like this.  some days suck, and some days suck a little less.  i'll be up til there's a light. 

i wish mays would put up another voice blog-- right about now i could use the soothing sound of gentle sanity. 

it's the old 'old-posts-within-a-new-post' trick...
Sunday, February 25, 2001

desperately seeking database, still. 

be still. 

i guess blogger is down.  :(  wahhh.  major wahhh! 

this (as was the last) is an un-blogger-aided post.  kinda ironic, considering the subject of last post.  ...endlesshtmlcrapendlesshtmlcrapendlesshtmlcrap

doesanybodyelse spend hours diddling with html-crap?  i mean, i used to write, a lot, and now i write endlesshtmlcrap.  ...instead of writing

< sigh >


doesn't the post office pick-up on Saturday anymore?  (i sound old). 

i filled-out some cobra paperwork for the ex-employer, put it in an oversize envelope along with a pithy tome, and set it out for usps retrieval.  i just left the house to get a grinder (aka a sub, elsewhere), and there was my important mailpiece.  i grabbed it, stuffed it in my shirt (i was traveling via bicycle) and set off to find a mailbox which i found right outside the pizza place, and which i walked by, not once or twice, but three times without it occuring to me once that i need to take the envelope out from inside my shirt and place it in the mailbox.  perhaps the supreme being is trying to tell me not to send it. 

i didn't know she had jurisdiction over the post office, though.