wise words

Wise words not often heard these days. 

the next time you get someone pregnant - hold her, and keep your goddamned silence, and leave the decision up to her. your sperm is not a flag with which to colonize the continent of a woman's body. somebody already lives there.

I get scared, scared of absolutely everything.  There's no where to go that's safe.  Why care?  Why hope?  Why not just participate in the rape of anything you can get your hands on?  It seems to be the trendy thing to do. 

I think we should call off the election and have a televised lottery (like mega-bucks) pick the next president.  People seem to have more faith in scratch tickets than ballots.

While we are at it, let's just call off wars and instead execute about a thousand young soldiers a year, all chosen by lotttery.  There would be no more suffering than there is now for the soldiers' families, and Bush's friends would have to get rich honestly (if they knew how) instead of at the expense of innocent lives.

Posted at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)