I can completely understand this.

Man found shot to death on 'X' marking site of Kennedy assassination
AP story, posted at 12:12 PM, on 12/12/03

Obsessed as I am with suicide, I can appreciate with an astute saddness the way this man--like me, in his forties--chose to go. To whomever you are, wherever you now may be: I understand.

Posted at 12:21 AM | Comments (0)
Dennis, don't run

An explanation is at the latest.

Posted at 04:26 AM | Comments (0)
Liberals falling from the sky

Finally, somebody agrees with me.

In the chorus of memories for a man who made a difference, let us bear in mind that truth is our only defense against an onslaught of lies that have dominated a media that appears too weak or too complicit to resist.
-Jim Fetzer, philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota at Duluth, from the article.
Posted at 04:44 PM | Comments (0)

The video.

Ken Lawson, the attorney for Jones' family, noted that authorities initially called for the police department unit that handles mental health cases. Because that Mental Health Response Team officer was responding to a routine call, he didn't get to the scene in time. It was wrong for police to indicate suspicions that Jones was suffering from a mental health problem but not wait or react to him differently, Lawson said.

"At some point," Lawson said of the police at the scene, "they should have stopped beating him. His hands weren't clenched. They kept telling Skip, 'Put your hands behind your back' when they are beating the crap out of him."

Hide, and never come out. Stay invisible, quiet, and creep between and around the tragedies which will befall you--if you don't hide. Be fearful, for there are no friends here, not any who have power to enforce compassion. Just lethal strangers.


Posted at 02:28 PM | Comments (1)
While principal Patricia A. Washburn said that the majority of students had behaved appropriately, she said a "small handful" had booed the governor, refused to shake his hand, or carried protest signs. Those students were "not being respectful to our guests in the building," Washburn said, and face consequences. She declined to provide details.

"There is a proper protocol and decorum these students are supposed to have," she said. "Almost everyone has it, but unfortunately, there were [a] very few that didn't, and we dealt with those situations.

Who is this Nazi, and what is she doing, as an educator, bullying students into lockstep? One might conclude that having a person like her as principal could have something to do with her school's underperformance.

Posted at 02:09 PM | Comments (0)