September 26, 2001
God save me from Paint

God save me from Paint Shop Pro.  If there ever was a method for me to hyperfocus on the insignificant, that program is it.  I make all those -- well, most of -- little icons on the top left.  And if it's a copied graphic, then I just have to tweak it to death. 

Enough!  ...enough, already.  That's not my life -- at least I hope it isn't.

Time is running out.  I want to tell you how the air felt when I shut off the a/c today and opened the window for the first time in weeks.  I want to explain that my landlord reminds me of my father, just because he's the man who owns the house.  I would like to capture in words this fleeting terror that comes and goes unbidden, without warning -- even without words, I would like to capture it and send it on its way, like an unwanted bug in my bed.  I want to say so much. 

Today, the air was like the air two weeks ago, the sky precious blue and clear, the sun warm; a joy just to breathe. 

Went to bed at 7:30

Went to bed at 7:30 AM.  Can you say depression?  Anyway, I wasted a big chunk of my life at Spaced Penguin, a fiendishly addictive game which I discovered at blogdex.  The idea behind blogdex is simple (though quite complicated to implement, I imagine); keep track of what URLs everybody is linking to.  Consider this detail from blogdex:.  The link href=""> scored 16.9 points.  I have no idea what that means except that out of more than four hundred and fifty thousand links, only two other links scored higher.  And one of them was that miserable penguin game. 

Now, if someone is keeping track of how many other websites have posted a given URL, well, I can't help but wonder how my humble offering ranks.  It doesn't.  In fact, this is all they know 'bout me.  So far. 

Whilst I make another cup o' joe, I encourage you to add your site to their 'bot 'base.  You will be assimilated eventually anyway.