AUTHOR: joe TITLE: war STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/29/2003 02:24:18 PM ----- BODY: I am depressed.  The fresh-face and bright-eyes of youth have given way to hairy ears and bad skin.  My faith and optimism from another time is now dark doubt and cynicism.  I may have chosen incrementally to make it so, but I don't like it.  The beautiful earth is more paved and more poisoned than when I came.  The vale and stream, mountain and forest where once I met the Spirit is inaccessible to me now.  The trees and rocks are still there.  The clear, cold streams still flow and the air, on good days, is still fresh and pure.  But the things I have learned in life have left me inconsolable even in the presence of the Spirit, even in the gentlest, most tender hollows of Spiritplace.  I am a lover.  As my beloved physical life deteriorates, soon to hang in ragged shreds, it thus reveals an invisible structure that never decays, which has always supported all that lives.  There is a memory of the pure, unsullied flesh, but everything tells me to let it go, that it is not the true object of my desire for it will one day be gone.  I love eternally, therefore the object of my love, once found, will be outside of time.  It will remain after these rocks and stones have ceased their song.  It will remain when this dear earth and all its blue beauty exists no more.  And so not only can I tolerate, but I can participate in all the follies that life presents, both those caused by me as well as those inflicted by others upon me, for they cannot obstruct my contact to what really matters.  There are no obstacles, only distractions.  I need to write this down, for in the face of the horrors in which I participate today, I need the reassurrance of these words.  ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: r@d@r EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2003 05:09:20 PM you never told me you were a sufi mystic. or whatever they are called now--"zensunni" or whatever. thanks for lifting me up...i was listing in the saddle fairly severely today. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2003 01:11:04 AM Well now THAT's a compliment! wow. Thanks Jay. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jay EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2003 12:30:49 AM I read a piece by E.M. Forster in which he writes of the pre-WWI England and it's inevitable destruction of it's pristeen countryside. Your writing is remarkably similar to Mr. Forster, not to mention your mind's eye. ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: accessory to murder STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/30/2003 12:52:25 AM ----- BODY:
The current American elite is the Third Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than half a century of unrelenting American state terrorism: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on Japan as a signal of their new power to the dozens of countries invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as a voracious appetite for the world's resources, like oil. - Article by John Pilger: Blair Is a Coward
You and I are accessories before the fact. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: big bully STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/30/2003 08:20:47 PM ----- BODY: In this article, John Moyers catalogs some of the most glaring deceits perpetrated by our servants in high government.  My problem is this:  What the hell is to be done besides the writing of Op-Ed pieces which merely chronicle the abuse?  Doing so does not even cover the story completely.  I realize there is a space and time limitation; not everything which is wrong can be addressed or digested in a 1000-word editoial.  But highlighting only the most prominent obscenities, like the breathtakingly Orwellian Total Information Awareness program headed by a convicted felon, or the blatant paying off of big business through refunds of the Corporate Minimum Tax, or the hijacking of the judiciary for political gain, or the naked adventurism of prosecuting a war for the achievement of very dubious objectives—these stories are only the whitecaps on the surface of a catastrophic flood, which has already washed-away many of the freedoms of people like you and me.  Highlighting these stories distracts us from recognizing the greater underlying disaster.  Even now, when so much damage has already been done, still there are no demonstrations in the street.  As I sit and type, my country lies quiet; there are no bullhorns, no searchlights, and there is no sound of boots outside my door.  Some might say that my ability to say these things without arrest is proof that our democracy is viable, and that dissent is still protected.  I might say that it proves my point; that the government which strips our freedoms does so with the consent of the governed and therefore has no need to fear informed dissent.  There is a catastrophic tide among us, sweeping the majority aside for the benefit of a few, and we are complicit in its success.  That disaster is the real story.  The population elected these monsters.  Citizens have tolerated their abuse of constitional authority with nary a whimper, often taking up the abusers' cause and helping them justify their crimes.  In a call to a BBC radio program last week, a Colorado woman cited the September 11 terrorist attacks as justification to invade and conquer a sovereign nation.  Again.  Iraq has no more connection to the terrorist attacks than Germany; the al-Qaida cell in Hamburg helped plan the attack.  I couldn't listen long enough to find out if she wants to attack Germany as well—I shut her off.  They are Muslim.  They are Arab.  And they have the oil.  These are the reasons that the current Great Empire will attack them.  Iraq will never be able to damage us as much as we have already been damaged from within.  The land of the free and the home of the brave is neither any longer.  We have abdicated our freedoms either in favor of our 401(k) accounts and our personal wealth, or because we are too overwhelmed with poverty to care much about freedom.  And brave?  We are bigger and stronger than any of our opponents.  Of all the bullies I have ever known, I don't remember any I would call brave.  ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: george STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/31/2003 12:27:30 PM ----- BODY: This is doublespeak.  There is no need to consult your old tattered copies of 1984, just turn on CNN and watch with stunned disbelief as the president of the United States makes real Orwell's fictional nightmare.  I don't know who I am, or where I live, or what the purpose of my life is supposed to be, any more.  This is almost too tragic to be true.  Almost. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: tear drops STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/20/2003 04:45:49 AM ----- BODY: Why do I always convince myself that the world is not as bad as it seems--and then it proves it is.  Why do I hope, over and over again, that brutality and hatred will subside, and that peace will find a home in my lifetime?  Why don't I just give up?  It's so simple to do.  And it hurts so much to keep trying to rebuild my tissue paper dreams under all these tear drops. 
You can see the summit but you can't reach it It's the last piece of the puzzle but you just can't make it fit Doctor says you're cured but you still feel the pain Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain...
Why don't I just give up? 
Why ever did I think it could be different? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: cp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2003 10:25:18 PM i'm not entirely sure how i got to your website but after reading your message i'm glad that i did for two reasons. ONE...HOWARD JONES, i love this song. and two because i think i understand where you're coming from with your tear drops...i sorta feel like that as well have to remember that life for all of us is a bunch of peaks and valleys. you do your best to make the world a better place and be the person you would like to see in other people and educate people. .. like this we can only hope to see more peaks for ALL of us in the world... it makes me feel better that many of our brothers and sisters are standing up for what they believe matter what it is...we are very lucky to live in a "free" country where we can stand up for what we believe in, no matter how stupid it may sound to others... ...joe...what i'm trying to say is we're in a valley but try to see the sun that's just over the peak... peace ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: dg EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/20/2003 09:52:59 PM You make it different Joe. There are times when I just gotta read your blog and cut to some truth and fight off all the trappings. Yer good fer my soul. ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: telling STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/22/2003 03:41:07 PM ----- BODY: A quote posted at Mary's site:
free speech is what America is about "Of course the people don't want war...  That is understood.  But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.  Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That is easy.  All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same in any country."  -- Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler's Deputy Chief and Luftwaffe Commander, at the Nuremberg trials, 1946 from "Nuremberg Diary" by G M Gilbert (Signet, New York, 1947).
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: painful poetry STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/25/2003 03:11:54 AM ----- BODY: Just stole this link from ex-lion tamer, and I'm just passing the word, like a bucket at a fire.  Go to March of Death and listen.  Read and listen.
... Lies, sanctions, and cruise missles have never created a free and just society.  Only everyday people can do that.  Which is why I'm joining the millions worldwide who have stood up to oppose the Bush administration's attempt to expand the U.S. empire at the expense of human rights at home and abroad.  In this spirit, I'm releasing this song for anyone who is willing to listen.  I hope it not only makes us think, but also inspires us to act and raise our voices.
- Zack de la Rocha
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: just lie to me, so I won't know STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/27/2003 09:47:32 PM ----- BODY: (Found it here.) I promise I will stop dwelling on the political in a minute, because I am in need of dipping the ladel into the truly deep well--it is very overdue.  Until then, here's a fairly decent article about a few of the indecencies of the Bush administration.  This is just the tip of the iceberg, but nobody really wants to know that. 
The brazenness of this approach would be hard to believe if it weren't entirely in line with how the administration has pursued so many of its other policy goals. Its preferred method has been to use deceit to create faits accomplis, facts on the ground that then make the administration's broader agenda almost impossible not to pursue. During and after the 2000 campaign, the president called for major education and prescription drug programs plus a huge tax cut, saying America could easily afford them all because of large budget surpluses. Critics said it wasn't true, and the growing budget deficits have proven them right. But the administration now uses the existence of big budget deficits as a way to put the squeeze on social programs--part of its plan all along. Strip away the presidential seal and the fancy titles, and it's just a straight-up con.
- from "Practice to Deceive" by Joshua Micah Marshall at
This country is great.  The people of this country are great.  The young men and women in this country's military are great.  Help me know, then, how it is these things have happened.  Are we not responsible for the things these warmongers do with the authority they have derived from us?  But nobody really wants to know that.  ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2003 01:33:55 PM No, it is not like blaming the holocaust on Dwight Eisenhower. That was the Nazi's. And the Nazi regime today is the Bush administration. Wake up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jeff White EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/03/2003 04:14:28 AM Huh? How is it possible? It ain't happening like he reports it. This article is one perspective based on one man's life, and his views. He sees what he wants to see, and ignores what he does not. People believe what they want to believe - there is no such thing as objectivity. Is it not obvious that these Baathists must be stopped? Somehow now it is our fault who liberate them from this murdering regime that they have absolutely nothing they will not do? It's like blaming the holocaust on Dwight Eisenhower. Dolts. ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: make war STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/02/2003 04:21:53 AM ----- BODY:
One man's body was still in flames.  It gave out a hissing sound.  Tucked away in his breast pocket, thick wads of banknotes were turning to ashes.  His savings, perhaps. Down the road, a little girl, no older than five and dressed in a pretty orange and gold dress, lay dead in a ditch next to the body of a man who may have been her father.  Half his head was missing. 
Mark Franchetti, in Nasiriya 
  for The Times UK
One cannot help but gasp when confronted by such trauma and agony, unlimited in both its gore and its senselessness.  The wet sound of living body parts splattering...  the snap and pop of limbs dismembered...  and the sight of someone's animated face at the moment of their decapitation...  all happening under the shrieking, bellowing, screaming roar of the lethal machines of war.  It lifts one--both body and soul--out of the monotonous daily repitition of dull and threatless lives into an experience of the sublime.  For those who come through it conscious and in one piece, such an experience transcends ethical judgement, it transports one beyond such petty distinctions as friend or foe, panic or peace, alive or dead, and it plants one firmly in the center of an unvarnished, undiluted, unmitigated, unadulterated experience of being terribly alive. Until humankind learns to experience life with the same degree of intensity, clarity, and desperate cruciality as when in the throes of mortal combat, until then humans will continue to make war.  It really has nothing to do with ideology or politics or even justice; those are merely the pretenses upon which we build our horrific stage of war, and where we exorcize the demons of our unsatisfying lives. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/03/2003 03:15:12 AM ----- BODY: The "Shock and Awe" Photo Gallery ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: pox americana STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/03/2003 03:11:39 PM ----- BODY:
In our name, the government has brought down a pall of repression over society.  The President's spokesperson warns people to "watch what they say."  Dissident artists, intellectuals, and professors find their views distorted, attacked, and suppressed.  The so-called Patriot Act -- along with a host of similar measures on the state level -- gives police sweeping new powers of search and seizure, supervised if at all by secret proceedings before secret courts. 
excerpted from A Statement of Conscience, Not In Our Name
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: sweet reason STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/03/2003 03:50:38 PM ----- BODY:
"Stop the war now. As Baghdad will be encircled, this is the time to get the UN back in to inspect Baghdad and the rest of Iraq for biological and chemical weapons. Our troops should not have to be the ones who will find out, in combat, whether Iraq has such weapons. Why put our troops at greater risk? We could get the United Nations inspectors back in. "Stop the war now. Before we send our troops into house-to-house combat in Baghdad, a city of five million people. Before we ask our troops to take up the burden of shooting innocent civilians in the fog of war. "Stop the war now. This war has been advanced on lie upon lie. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for any role al-Qaeda may have had in 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for the anthrax attacks on this country. Iraq did not try to acquire nuclear weapons technology from Niger. This war is built on falsehood. "Stop the war now. We are not defending America in Iraq. Iraq did not attack this nation. Iraq has no ability to attack this nation. Each innocent civilian casualty represents a threat to America for years to come and will end up making our nation less safe. The seventy-five billion dollar supplemental needs to be challenged because each dime we spend on this war makes America less safe. Only international cooperation will help us meet the challenge of terrorism. After 9/11 all Americans remember we had the support and the sympathy of the world. Every nation was ready to be of assistance to the United States in meeting the challenge of terrorism. And yet, with this war, we have squandered the sympathy of the world. We have brought upon this nation the anger of the world. We need the cooperation of the world, to find the terrorists before they come to our shores. "Stop this war now. Seventy-five billion dollars more for war. Three-quarters of a trillion dollars for tax cuts, but no money for veterans ' benefits. Money for war. No money for health care in America, but money for war. No money for social security, but money for war. We have money to blow up bridges over the Tigris and the Euphrates, but no money to build bridges in our own cities. We have money to ruin the health of the Iraqi children, but no money to repair the health of our own children and our educational programs. "Stop this war now. It is wrong. It is illegal. It is unjust and it will come to no good for this country. "Stop this war now. Show our wisdom and our humanity, to be able to stop it, to bring back the United Nations into the process. Rescue this moment. Rescue this nation from a war that is wrong, that is unjust, that is immoral. "Stop this war now".
US Representative Dennis Kucinich
Sorry, but I just can't bring myself to leave out even just one word of this statement.  ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: children STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/04/2003 02:24:35 PM ----- BODY: A coworker said to me the other day, "Yeah, well, I'm behind Bush one hundred percent.  I saw the pictures on the news of the kids that got killed, and that's not nice, but you know, they're just going to grow up and be just like their parents." "And.  What's.  Wrong.  With.  That?" I asked, incredulous.  "What have they done to us?"  She responded with some vague blither about 911.  "You don't even know," I said.  "The fact is that they haven't done anything to us.  You don't even know the lies, much less believe them, yet you are willing to let children die." Her voice can be a scraping irritating noise even when her words have negligible meaning.  But her cavalier disregard of the slaughter of children, and her use of racism to justify it was revolting.  I nearly struck her.  I had to walk away.  She is just an overwhelmed child herself, what with all the considerable trauma and stress she has endured in her own life.  Which makes it worse.  She doesn't have the time or the inclination to be bothered with the esoterica of injustice ten timezones away. Indeed, for anyone, accusing one's own country of criminal behavior requires an uncommon discernment both incisive and fearless.  And so her opinion is not the result of a rigorous and objective examination of the facts, but is simply a regurgitation of the recieved propaganda, passed on essentially unchanged.  I'd like to think no one else thinks this way.  I'd like to think the propaganda did not have this effect on one as typical as she.  She is in her twenties—starting a family, starting a career, starting an American life.  She is a mother.  And she is studying to be a nurse.  I dread to think how many other young people in america—children really—think as she does.  I want to throw-up. There is no question in my mind why the world hates us.  ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: strange embed-fellows STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/06/2003 04:25:24 AM ----- BODY: A little bit of truth slipped out recently, despite Donald Rumsfeld's omnipotent micro-management.  The whitewashing effort, well underway for days, helps identify for us those few news outlets which still hold the truth in high regard, and reveals the rest as cowardly apologists for thugs. 
"'Fire a warning shot,' he [U.S. Army Capt. Ronny Johnson] ordered as the vehicle kept coming. Then, with increasing urgency, he told the platoon to shoot a 7.62mm machine-gun round into its radiator. 'Stop [messing] around!' Johnson yelled into the company radio network when he still saw no action being taken. Finally, he shouted at the top of his voice, 'Stop him, Red 1, stop him!' "That order was immediately followed by the loud reports of 25mm cannon fire from one or more of the platoon's Bradleys. About half a dozen shots were heard in all. "'Cease fire!' Johnson yelled over the radio. Then, as he peered into his binoculars from the intersection on Highway 9, he roared at the platoon leader, 'You just [expletive] killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!'"
—from an article at, quoting Washington Post correspondent William Branigin's eyewitness account.
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: brave innocence STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/06/2003 01:57:45 PM ----- BODY: Thanks to the criminal behavior of the US government, brutal regimes have escalated their killing and have gained confidence that they will not be held accountable.  On Saturday April 5, 2003 a 24 year old American peace activist, Brian Avery, wearing clear markings identifying him as a non-combatant, and with his arms in the air, was shot in the face by an Israeli tank.  The tank then slowly lumbered past without stopping or offering assistance.  This is the new world order which the Bush administration has inaugurated.  Read it. Two weeks ago, Rachel Corrie, 23, was run down and killed by an Israeli bulldozer in the Palestinian town of Rafah.  It appears the bulldozer drove over her deliberately.  She too was a clearly marked, passive non-combatant.  Read it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: the way STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/07/2003 03:03:33 PM ----- BODY:
WE HAD a great day," said Sgt Eric Schrumpf of the US Marines last Saturday. "We killed a lot of people." He added: "We dropped a few civilians, but what do you do?" He said there were women standing near an Iraqi soldier, and one of them fell when he and other Marines opened fire. "I'm sorry," said Sgt Schrumpf, "but the chick was in the way".
—from an article by John Pilger, writing for The Mirror
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: what the fuck?! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/07/2003 06:03:21 PM ----- BODY:
OAKLAND, Calif. - Police opened fire Monday morning with non-lethal bullets at an anti-war protest at the Port of Oakland, injuring several longshoremen standing nearby. Police were trying to clear protesters from an entrance to the docks when they opened fire and the longshoremen apparently were caught in the line of fire.
—from the Associated Press story, published at
Kill me, you asshole Bush.  Kill me you Nazi, Rumsfeld.  Kill me because I cannot endure the guilt of being a survivor in the world where you are taking me.  Kill me you ruthless elites, because I count it a dishonor to be alive in the United States today and bear no wounds; I consider it cowardice to call myself a bleeding-heart liberal without losing a drop of my own blood fighting this heinous brutality you have instituted.  From this point on I move into grave peril, for I despise the criminal powers that govern my nation, and I will not stay silent or immobile.  Shoot me, too, and do not be sparing in your cruelty, for it is my goal to richly deserve the contempt of monsters like you. Read the SF Chronicle article. Try to find this story on CNN.  Good luck. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: dg EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2003 10:18:38 PM aaaaarrrgggh ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: Angelica Amaya STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/08/2003 03:11:10 AM ----- BODY: A young woman, plagued by her conscience.  I cannot imagine myself one tenth as brave as she.  Read about her here, or here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: joe TITLE: killing the messengers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: 1 ALLOW PINGS: 0 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/09/2003 01:41:13 AM ----- BODY:
The tank's turret is seen moving toward the Palestine Hotel, where foreign reporters have set up shop, and the gun carriage lifting and waiting at least two minutes before opening up. The French TV channel had positioned two cameras in two rooms facing the bridge as of 6.30am (02h30 GMT). "It had been very quiet for a moment. There was no shooting at all. Then I saw the turret turning in our direction and the carriage lifting. It faced the target," said Herve de Ploeg, the journalist and film editor on contract with the French channel who filmed the attack. "It was not a case of instinctive firing," he said.
Why all the hostility toward journalists?  Most of them not embedded, and at least one of these tragic deaths, because of the secrecy cloaking its aftermath, is now becoming a sign of ominous portent, as well. Update: This is the link I was looking for when I posted this entry.  Thank you ex-lion tamer.
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