May 09, 2002
DSL, once again

First off, I am just testing my blogThis thingy with Movabletype.  I'm doing it while checking my DSL status.  Yes indeedy, boys and girls, I have succummed again to the enticements of manymanybits.  Last time it was Megapath who fed my addiction—or, rather, was promising to when I ran out of cash.  In all fairness, they would have been my selection again, ...except they never answered the e-mail I wrote them last week.  This seems unlike them.  I am glad though, because I was undecided (can you believe it; me?  undecided?) between Megapath (read: fantastic customer service, fantastically expensive), and Covad—slightly cheaper, slightly less renowned for customer service, but, get this, they responded!  Hah!

Megapath would do well to allow ordering online.  What the hell, their best prospects for selling an 'always-on' connection is to people with Social Anxiety Disorder who cringe at the thought of using a telephone for anything other than a modem connection.  On May 6, I ordered online from Covad.  The phone company confirmed the data line on May 9.  Three days, and I have not spoken to a person.  Now, you may think that is not a good thing, to have no live contact with a person.  But, sadly, it's the way I like it.

We shall see how long it takes them to get the DSL router, cables and software to me.  I think if I had all that stuff today, I could be connected and avoiding human contact at a rate of about a megabit per second. 

Sad, isn't it?  I can't wait.

tweak, tweak, tweak

I have been tweaking like a madman, getting all the thousands of style properties just so, adding and renaming selectors, removing them and adding them back again, adjusting declarations and values, screaming, throwing coffee mugs (well, only one), and alternately weeping and beaming.  I haven't even begun to attack... oh, hell, I can't remember anymore what I haven't gotten to yet.  I am just simply exhausted.  So is my ftp server and my modem (oh!  I can't wait til I get DSL again—soon, very soon). 

We are all going to take a break.  I am going to eat food I do not need to eat.  I am going to watch a happy movie, like Shrek or Toy Story, while I indulge in comfort foods.  Eventually I am going to go to bed and entertain erotic delusions and go happily to sleep.  Then I am going to get up early and drink strong coffee, and eat my last piece of gourmet fudge, and I will come back to this, my isolated little riskless world of recalcitrant clients and vanishing servers, of style sheets and templates and colors and text. 

...and words.  That's the final product, after all, isn't it—the words.  And I think they all look pretty good right now, even if I do say so myself.  'Night.