October 17, 2001
Bedtime.  Thanks HMS.  I know


Thanks HMS.  I know it's not so, but sometimes it seems, on dark pre-winter nights, that no one sees these cobbly thoughts -- no one, that is, but the 'bots and me. 

Guten nacht. 

This is a URL from

This is a URL from my website's referrer log.  I wish it was from a former boyfriend trying to send me a subtle (or not-so-subtle) message. 

I wonder how many other lonely men -- who have little better to do than pore over their server logs -- were similarly reminded of a Daniel from their own pasts?  And I wonder how many of them wished him back again?

cache - ntc - ab01 . proxy . aol . com - - [16/Oct/2001:04:08:24 -0400] "GET /blog.js HTTP/1.0" 200 7040 "http://www.google.com / search?q=cache : Hu_VtCzWyBc : burgwinkel.com / blog.htm + boyfriend + gone + beg + cock + deep + inside + me & hl=en" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 6.0; Windows 98)"