October 10, 2001
Mercury is in retrograde.  Thus,

Mercury is in retrograde.  Thus, push-button publishing, and specifically blogger are faultering.  Not a good time to start a high tech project.  Or a war. 



We interrupt our normal program to bring you this urgent, liberal, pointless, moralistic rant.  We will resume normal programming immediately after this special announcement.

Freedoms Curtailed In Defense Of Liberty

This administration is promoting -- too vigorously, I think -- the idea that this fight against terrorism is going to last years.  How do they know?  And why are they so interested in fighting terrorism now -- terrorism is not a new thing.  Why didn't they start America's New War back when the WTC was first bombed in 1993?  The threat then was no less lethal, nor less likely, than now. 

We have become a battle state, a nation of heartless and mindless goons drunk with rage and blood-lust.  Don't say you are not part of it -- even though you may not be a goon.  Because that is OUR president, and OUR Secretary of Defense and, lamentably now, OUR Director of Homeland Security.  We may not like them, we may even have opposed their ascendancy to high office, but we are the source of the authority they weild; we are responsible for the actions they execute in our names.  Whether we like it or not, the buck stops here.  We can continue to look the other way, which we do very well in America.  But there are masses of humanity across the seas who hate me and you for being part of this country, and for participating in the most wasteful and self-indulgent society this earth has ever known. 

Our government did not start America's New War in 1993 because it could not have gotten away with it then, at least not with as much popular support as today.  If the administration then was conservative, it might have tried to start a war and curb free speech and advance the militarization of American society, but that would have been much more difficult then.  In 1993, our government might have prevented the events of September 11.  But in that case they'd not have gotten all the extra goodies they are getting today, like this homeland security bullshit -- a better title might be the Office of Domestic Espionage. 

I bet Bush and his buds are glad they couldn't shoot their wad in '93; it comes out so much better if you wait.