September 15, 2001
If you are sitting alone

If you are sitting alone in your apartment, not watching (or don't have) a TV, and you feel an akward incongruity between the sunny clear blue-sky Saturday going on outside and the wailing grief of a nation, then spend some time with href="javascript:void('','cnnPop','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=620,height=430'))" title="missing, but hoped for by family">these photos.  Your tears will likely flow like rain, and your heart will be right back in alignment with all the rest of humanity. 

Tears do not darken our view of the world.  The white trim on the brick building next door is gleaming in today's bright sunlight.  Through tears, it absolutely sparkles.